

Background, Residential, Office, Retail, Logistics

Five per cent returns no longer illusory even for core properties

The ‘5% study - where investing is still worthwhile’ celebrates its tenth anniversary. Since the first edition was published, the German property market has tarnished its reputation as a safe investment haven. Higher yields are now within sight, even for prime properties, and even residential property is increasingly becoming a profitable asset class again. The market is more exciting than it has been for a long time



Nineteen percent investment decline in corporate real estate

The crisis has also left its mark on the corporate real estate asset class. The investment market is clearly declining, but more properties are being rented. This is shown by the 18th market report of the INITIATIVE UNTERNEHMENSIMMOBILIEN



Logistics real estate: On a record course during the crisis

The new study shows: The high level of construction activity continues in the market for logistics real estate. Another record year is expected in 2022 - and rents will continue to rise. However, the risks will also increase, at least in some cases.



Logistics real estate: Worth more now than before the crisis?

Demand has long since expanded to secondary locations, as shown by the recently published "Logistics and Real Estate" study - and this despite the fact that new construction activity for 2021 and 2022 is at a new high. This ensures rising values


Office, Residential, Retail, Logistics

Constant to desperate

Apparently nothing can shake the domestic real estate market - Germany is and remains the place to be for investors. Especially flats, logistics properties and offices in top locations are in constant to almost desperate demand. In other segments, however, risk premiums have continued to rise. The current 5 % study shows potential returns