Logistics Real Estate and Unternehmensimmobilien

At which location does a logistics investment have the best chances of achieving sustainably good returns? Is it worth buying the warehouse or the land? What rents can be achieved with Unternehmensimmobilien?

To back up investment and transaction decisions, our team prepares market and location analyses based on detailed and sound data and advises you on all projects relating to logistics and corporate real estate.

Contact North and East Germany
Alexander Fieback
Head of office and commercial property
Ph. +49 30 278768 14
Contact Southern and Western Germany
Oliver Rohr
Head of office and commercial property
Ph. +49 89 232376 46

Publications on the same topic

Here you will find studies and analyses, some of which we have prepared on behalf of customers or on our own initiative based on our data and market expertise. You can download and read many of them free of charge here.

The 5 % Study 2024 - where it still pays off to invest

bulwiengesa has analysed the yield potential of the German real estate markets for the tenth time.

Logistics and Real Estate 2023

The 9th study has been published: "Stability over complacency".

The 5 % Study 2023 - where it still pays off to invest

bulwiengesa has analyzed the potential returns of the German real estate markets for the ninth time.

News about the same topic from our magazine

For our magazine, we have summarized relevant topics, often based on our studies, analyses and projects, and prepared them in a reader-friendly way. This guarantees a quick overview of the latest news from the real estate industry.

Chart of the Month October: Boom in the peripheral locations

The recently published study "Logistics and Real Estate 2023" shows: former "second-tier" regions are increasingly in demand - even those outside the classic logistics regions. And the trend is continuing

Chart of the Month June: Every Fourth Project Development Postponed

Project developments in the A-cities have not only declined rapidly. Many projects are also postponed

Mixed risks

Twice a year we prepare economic forecasts and derive key figures for the various real estate segments. According to this, the caesuras in the economy affect the logistics, residential, office and retail segments very differently. In general, the picture is not as gloomy as it is often conveyed. A summary