


Massive shortage of care places by 2040

A comprehensive study commissioned by Cureus looks for the first time not only at demographic trends, but also at the stock of care properties and construction activity. The result: if no more building takes place, there will be a shortage of around 168,000 care places by 2040


Office, Residential, Retail, Logistics

Constant to desperate

Apparently nothing can shake the domestic real estate market - Germany is and remains the place to be for investors. Especially flats, logistics properties and offices in top locations are in constant to almost desperate demand. In other segments, however, risk premiums have continued to rise. The current 5 % study shows potential returns


Background, Residential

The 5-second price

Whether an unrenovated old building in Leipzig, a detached house in Miesbach or an entire residential portfolio - our new tool "RIWIS Prospect" determines rental and purchase prices in just a few seconds. The algorithm is based on almost 10 million offer data that we have been evaluating since 2009. In many countries, by the way, such hedonic price models have long been established and recognised as a valuation method