
At which location does an office investment have the best chances of achieving sustainably good returns? Is the site suitable for an office building? What are the opportunities and risks, strengths and weaknesses at the desired location? What rent can be set after revitalisation?

To back up investment and transaction decisions, our interdisciplinary team prepares market and location analyses and advises you on all office property projects. We work hand in hand with our real estate valuers.

Contact North and East Germany
Alexander Fieback
Head of office and commercial property
Ph. +49 30 278768 14
Contact Southern and Western Germany
Oliver Rohr
Head of office and commercial property
Ph. +49 89 232376 46

Publications on the same topic

Here you will find studies and analyses, some of which we have prepared on behalf of customers or on our own initiative based on our data and market expertise. You can download and read many of them free of charge here.

The 5 % Study 2024 - where it still pays off to invest

bulwiengesa has analysed the yield potential of the German real estate markets for the tenth time.

Ground floors 5.0

Ground floor project 5.0 - the second edition of the ground floor study has been published.

The 5 % Study 2023 - where it still pays off to invest

bulwiengesa has analyzed the potential returns of the German real estate markets for the ninth time.

News about the same topic from our magazine

For our magazine, we have summarized relevant topics, often based on our studies, analyses and projects, and prepared them in a reader-friendly way. This guarantees a quick overview of the latest news from the real estate industry.

Chart of the month November: Top offices are still in demand

Office vacancies are increasing in the seven class A cities. According to classic economic theory, rents should therefore be falling. But our quarterly figures show: Prime rents are still rising

Chart of the Month June: Every Fourth Project Development Postponed

Project developments in the A-cities have not only declined rapidly. Many projects are also postponed

Project developments: Few in planning, many postponed

The crisis is now clearly visible among project developers. The market in the seven class A cities is declining, and the traditional project developers in particular are withdrawing from the market. Residential projects, of all things, are significantly affected. And: Many projects are being completed later than planned