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PROJECTS ON THE RADAR: Development-Monitor & Developer-Profiles

What's it about? With the Development Monitor, we have all projects on our radar and condense them into an interactive monitor so that you can quickly and continuously keep an eye on Germany's current pipeline. Developer profiles are company profiles of project developers - a service for all those who want to quickly find out about developers or present them on the platform.


Development Monitor

Every real estate project brings important insights for market assessment, strategy decisions and forecasts. The monitor works on our current pipeline. It thus enables a flexible, interactive analysis of market structures and provides detailed information at player level - for example, the most important players in a segment and market. Filter the market events according to types of use, cities or regions, development status, strategy, etc. and set individual priorities.



Wir starten mit ausführlichen Profilen von mehr als 150 Unternehmen und decken damit im ersten Schritt die größten Player auf dem deutschen Markt ab. Grundsätzlich steht dieses Schaufenster aber allen Entwicklern im Markt offen, sodass wir uns über das direkte Feedback jedes Unternehmens freuen. Erweitern Sie Ihr Profil um Informationen zu USPs, Ankaufsprofilen, Track-Records oder und ESG-Strategie.

Weitere Infos in unserem Flyer:

Flyer6.13 MB

P.S.: Users of the free Developer Profiles or the Development Monitor receive the Transparency Seal. More information on the Transparency Network here.

Contact: Max Witte,, Ph. +49 89 23 23 76 20 or Maren Hempen,, Ph. +49 40 42 32 22 35, both consultants in the RIWIS team at bulwiengesa.