Logistics / Corporate Real Estate Ongoing market monitoring

Market Report No. 13 by the Initiative Unternehmensimmobilien

Project developers have reacted to the shortage of space, which has been acute for some time: Already after the first half of 2020, a new record of around 2.2 million m² of completed corporate real estate is emerging for the year as a whole. In 2019, 1.3 million m² will be completed, equivalent to an increase of 66 %. At the same time, the transaction volume of more than EUR 1.2 billion in the first half of the year was also extremely high - and this despite the conspicuous reluctance of international players to act. Once again, business parks were by far the most sought-after. These are the key findings of the latest market report published by the Initiative Unternehmensimmobilien.

What are Unternehmensimmobilien?

The term “Unternehmensimmobilien” refers to mixed-use commercial properties, typically with a tenant structure comprising medium-sized companies. Types of use normally include offices, warehouses, manufacturing, research, service, and/or wholesale trade, and open areas. Unternehmensimmobilien break down into four real estate categories, these being converted properties, business parks, light manufacturing properties, and warehousing/logistics assets. All four of these categories are characterised by alternative use potential, reversibility of use, and a general suitability for multi-tenant structures.

About the Initiative Unternehmensimmobilien

The INITIATIVE UNTERNEHMENSIMMOBILIEN currently comprises ten companies active in the German corporate real estate market: Aurelis, BEOS, Corestate Capital Group, Cromwell Property Group, Deutsche Industrie REIT-AG, Frasers Property, Garbe Industrial Real Estate, Investa, Palmira Capital Partners and Siemens Real Estate. The common goal is to improve transparency in this market segment in order to facilitate access to this asset class. For this purpose, a reporting system has been set up in cooperation with bulwiengesa in which all transaction and rental data of the participants are evaluated. Investors and market observers are regularly informed about the volume and performance of the sector. This happens above all in the form of the market report, which appears every six months.

Daniel Sopka, sopka@bulwiengesa.de, Phone +49 40 42 32 22 29
Oliver Rohr, rohr@bulwiengesa.de, Phone +49 89 23 23 76 46

Photo: Light Manufacturing Space of the Technologiepark in Ruhstorf
Source: Siemens Real Estate



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